Don’t miss out on the waterdrop® hydration hype! Claim Your Free Gift.
If you’ve been wanting to try out these tasty hydration drinks then now is your chance. Visit the waterdrop® Kiosk this month to sample the sugar-free flavours for yourself.
Plus you can claim a Free Gift, just let the team know this code - DRINKMOREWATER - and you claim a free discovery kit of Microdrinks*.
waterdrop® is on a mission to help you Drink More Water, their innovative vitamin drink cubes come in a variety of flavours along including a range of Electrolytes for those hot days and even some with caffeine in for when you need that extra energy kick.
Find out what the hype is all about, and if you’re lucky you might also be able to pick up one of the Limited Edition Official Australian Open Player Bottles.
Visit Waterdrop, located on the Lower Ground Level, near Rebel Sports.
*whilst stocks last