Helping you help us
  • FAQs

Your health and wellbeing is our number one priority. That’s why we continue to employ COVIDSafe measures to ensure the centre is clean and hygienic every time you visit, including providing hand sanitiser at our entries, focused high touch-point cleaning, and providing visibility to peak trading times on our Homepage so that you can plan your visit. We encourage healthy physical distancing, good hygiene and if you are unwell please stay home and seek medical advice.

We ask that you do the right thing, use a commonsense approach and follow the State Government guidelines. To find out more, call the COVID-19 hotline 1800 675 398 or visit

If you’re shopping at Chadstone, please protect our community by following these simple steps.

Physical distancing (1.5m)


Please always keep a healthy distance (1.5 metres) from other people, including customers and team members.

Practise safe hygiene by always washing your hands and using hand sanitiser


Avoid using your hands on high touch point areas such as railings and lift buttons.

Wash your hands regularly, including after touching common surfaces, and after coughing or sneezing.

Use hand sanitiser stations, conveniently located throughout the centre.

If you happen to cough or sneeze, cover your mouth and nose with a tissue, then dispose of it. Or, if you do not have a tissue, cover your mouth and nose with your upper sleeve.

If you have COVID-19 symptoms, no matter how mild, please do not visit and instead get tested and stay home.

Visit earlier in the week or before 11:00am to park and shop with ease


Consider shopping during the week and plan your visit before you arrive in order to shop efficiently. Use our centre map to find store locations and help you decide which car park and entry is most convenient for you.


COVID-19 presents unprecedented and extraordinary challenges for our communities, our retailers, our teams, our customers and our business.

As the situation continues to evolve, we’re monitoring and acting on the latest recommendations from federal and state governments to adapt our business and ensure we continue to provide our communities with access to the products and services they need.

CENTRE UPDATE: 06/01/2022

The Victorian Government has reintroduced density limits for hospitality venues from 11.59pm Thursday, 6 January 2022. Density limits of one person per 2 square meters will apply indoors at all hospitality and entertainment venues (including food courts but excluding cinemas).

If you’re shopping at Chadstone, please protect our community by following these simple steps:

  • Visit early and plan your visit prior to arriving
  • Ensure you wear a well fitted face mask. This excludes people who cannot wear a mask for a lawful excuse or exception.
  • Check in via the Service Victoria COVID Safe Check-in QR Code at all entries and retailers
  • Keep a healthy 1.5 metres distance from other customers and team members
  • Maintain good hygiene including washing your hands or using the hand sanitiser provided

If you have COVID-19 symptoms, no matter how mild, please do not visit and instead, get tested and stay home.

We know everyone has a responsibility to help reduce the risk and slow the spread of COVID-19. We will continue to monitor and act upon the advice of the Victorian Government. To find out more, please visit

We look forward to seeing you soon.

CENTRE UPDATE: 23/12/2021

In line with the Government directive, from 12am on Friday 24 December 2021, face masks are compulsory for everyone over the age of 8 when indoors. This excludes people who cannot wear a mask for a lawful excuse or exception.

Help our community stop the spread of COVID-19 by wearing a face mask and keeping a healthy distance from each other.

And remember, if you have any COVID-19 symptoms, however mild, please do not enter the centre and get tested immediately.

We’re taking extra precautions to ensure our centre is clean and hygienic every time you visit, including more frequent cleaning, monitoring face mask wearing, encouraging healthy physical distancing and good hygiene.

We know the situation will continue to evolve and we can assure you we’re staying up to date with the latest government advice and are working hard to adapt and keep our customers, retailers, team and community informed.

We thank you for your support throughout this challenging time. Please continue to check our website or sign up to our mailing list for regular updates.

For the latest health advice, and to stay informed, we recommend visiting

Please take care of yourselves, your families and friends during this uncertain time.

CENTRE UPDATE: 18/11/2021

In line with the Victorian Government’s roadmap, we are pleased to confirm the following updates to restrictions across our centre from 11.59pm Thursday 18 November 2021 for fully vaccinated customers:

  • Density limits in public areas of the centre and within all general retail stores, hair & beauty services and café & restaurants have been removed
  • Face masks are still mandatory indoors for staff and customers until Wednesday 15 December 2021.

The Victorian Government has also confirmed the following vaccination requirements for retail businesses:

Vaccination Requirements (as of 11.59pm Thursday 18 November)

  • Customers attending “non-essential” general retail stores must be fully vaccinated (or under 12 years and two months, or have a valid exemption).

If you’re shopping at Chadstone, please protect our community by following these simple steps:

  • Visit early and plan your visit prior to arriving
  • Ensure you wear a well fitted face mask. This excludes people who cannot wear a mask for a lawful excuse or exception.
  • Check in via the Service Victoria COVID Safe Check-in QR Code at all entries and retailers
  • Keep a healthy 1.5 metres distance from other customers and team members
  • Maintain good hygiene including washing your hands or using the hand sanitiser provided

If you have COVID-19 symptoms, no matter how mild, please do not visit and instead, get tested and stay home.

We know everyone has a responsibility to help reduce the risk and slow the spread of COVID-19. We will continue to monitor and act upon the advice of the Victorian Government. To find out more, please visit

We look forward to seeing you soon.

CENTRE UPDATE: 28/10/2021

A warm welcome back!

Following the ease of government restrictions, all your favourite fashion and lifestyle brands will be open from 6pm until midnight this Friday 29, October.

Hair and beauty services, dining and essential retailers will remain open from 10am.

If you’re shopping at Chadstone, please protect our community by following these simple steps:

• Visit early and plan your visit prior to arriving

• Ensure you wear a well fitted face mask. This excludes people who cannot wear a mask for a lawful excuse or exception.

• Check in via the Service Victoria COVID Safe Check-in QR Code at all entries and retailers

• Keep a healthy 1.5 metres distance from other customers and team members

• Maintain good hygiene including washing your hands or using the hand sanitiser provided

If you have COVID-19 symptoms, no matter how mild, please do not visit and instead, get tested and stay home.

We know everyone has a responsibility to help reduce the risk and slow the spread of COVID-19. We will continue to monitor and act upon the advice of the Victorian Government. To find out more, please visit

Thank you for your continued support and co-operation. We look forward to welcoming you back.

CENTRE UPDATE: 21/10/2021

Under the updated State Government’s roadmap, selected hair and beauty services, and cafes and restaurants will be reopening their doors from Friday 22 October, with capacity limits.

If you’re shopping at Chadstone, please protect our community by following these simple steps:

• Visit early and plan your visit prior to arriving

• Ensure you wear a well fitted face mask. This excludes people who cannot wear a mask for a lawful excuse or exception.

• Check in via the Service Victoria COVID Safe Check-in QR Code at all entries and retailers

• Keep a healthy 1.5 metres distance from other customers and team members

• Maintain good hygiene including washing your hands or using the hand sanitiser provided

If you have COVID-19 symptoms, no matter how mild, please do not visit and instead, get tested and stay home.

We know everyone has a responsibility to help reduce the risk and slow the spread of COVID-19. We will continue to monitor and act upon the advice of the Victorian Government. To find out more, please visit

Thank you for your continued support and co-operation. We look forward to welcoming you back.

CENTRE UPDATE: 27/08/2021

We have recently been advised the Victorian Government has listed Chemist Warehouse Chadstone as a Tier 2 COVID-19 exposure site.

It is advised anyone who visited Chemist Warehouse Chadstone on Tuesday 24 August between 4:55pm and 5:20pm get tested immediately and self-isolate until a negative result is returned.

Chemist Warehouse and our teams are following advice from DHHS including contact tracing and deep clean and sanitisation, while our increased cleaning roster continues, with additional focus on specific areas we know customers are likely to make contact with.

Our priority continues to be the health, safety and wellbeing of our customers, retailers, team members and broader community. Please remember, if you have any COVID-19 symptoms, however mild, do not visit our centre.

To find out more, call the Coronavirus hotline 1800 675 398 or visit

We appreciate the support of the community and look forward to seeing you at again soon.

CENTRE UPDATE: 16/08/2021

Your safety is our priority.

In line with Victorian Government directions, the current COVID-19 restrictions will be extended until 11:59pm on Thursday 2 September.

During this time, selected stores and services will be open for you to shop for the essential products and services you need. To understand which stores are open, please visit

If you do need to visit the centre for essential services, please help us keep yourself and the community safe by wearing a face mask, checking-in where available, and keeping a healthy distance from each other.

If you have any COVID-19 symptoms, however mild, please do not enter the centre and get tested immediately and isolate until you return a negative result.

The safety and wellbeing of our customers, retailers, team and community continues to be our top priority. We’re taking extra precautions to ensure our centre is clean and hygienic every time you visit, including more frequent cleaning, monitoring face mask wearing, encouraging healthy physical distancing and good hygiene.

We know the situation will continue to evolve and we can assure you we’re staying up to date with the latest government advice and are working hard to adapt and keep our customers, retailers, team and community informed.

For the latest health advice, and to stay informed, we recommend visiting

Please take care of yourselves, your families and friends during this uncertain time.

CENTRE UPDATE: 14/08/2021

We have recently been advised the Victorian Government has listed Coles Chadstone as a Tier 2 COVID-19 exposure site and Chadstone Shopping Centre as a Tier 3 exposure site.

It is advised anyone who visited Coles Chadstone on Saturday 7 August between 4:26pm and 5:40pm get tested immediately and self-isolate until a negative result is returned.

Anyone who visited Chadstone Shopping Centre on Saturday 7 August between 4:26pm and 5:40pm is advised to monitor for symptoms. If symptoms develop, immediately get a COVID-19 test and isolate until you receive a negative result.

Coles and our teams are following advice from DHHS including contact tracing and deep clean and sanitisation, while our increased cleaning roster continues, with additional focus on specific areas we know customers are likely to make contact with.

Our priority continues to be the health, safety and wellbeing of our customers, retailers, team members and broader community. Please remember, if you have any COVID-19 symptoms, however mild, do not visit our centre.

To find out more, call the Coronavirus hotline 1800 675 398 or visit

We appreciate the support of the community and look forward to seeing you at again soon.

CENTRE UPDATE: 11/08/2021

In line with Victorian Government directions, the current COVID restrictions will be extended for another seven days until 11:59pm on Thursday, 19 August.


During this time, selected stores and services will be open for you to shop for the essential products and services you need. To understand which stores are open, please visit


If you do need to visit the centre for essential services, please help us keep yourself and the community safe by wearing a face mask, checking-in where available, and keeping a healthy distance from each other.

If you have any COVID-19 symptoms, however mild, please do not enter the centre and get tested immediately and isolate until you return a negative result.

The safety and wellbeing of our customers, retailers, team and community continues to be our top priority. We’re taking extra precautions to ensure our centre is clean and hygienic every time you visit, including more frequent cleaning, monitoring face mask wearing, encouraging healthy physical distancing and good hygiene.

We know the situation will continue to evolve and we can assure you we’re staying up to date with the latest government advice and are working hard to adapt and keep our customers, retailers, team and community informed.

For the latest health advice, and to stay informed, we recommend visiting

Please take care of yourselves, your families and friends during this uncertain time.

CENTRE UPDATE: 05/08/2021

Your safety is our priority.

In line with State Government directions, Victoria will enter a 7-day lockdown from 8:00pm Thursday 5 August, selected stores and services will be open for you to shop for the essential products and services you need. To understand which stores are open, please visit


If you do need to visit the centre for essential services, please help us keep yourself and the community safe by wearing a face mask, checking-in where available, and keeping a healthy distance from each other.

If you have any COVID-19 symptoms, however mild, please do not enter the centre and get tested immediately and isolate until you return a negative result.

The safety and wellbeing of our customers, retailers, team and community continues to be our top priority. We’re taking extra precautions to ensure our centre is clean and hygienic every time you visit, including more frequent cleaning, monitoring face mask wearing, encouraging healthy physical distancing and good hygiene.

We know the situation will continue to evolve and we can assure you we’re staying up to date with the latest government advice and are working hard to adapt and keep our customers, retailers, team and community informed.

For the latest health advice, and to stay informed, we recommend visiting

Please take care of yourselves, your families and friends during this uncertain time.

CENTRE UPDATE: 27/07/2021

Welcome back!

Following the Victorian Government’s announcement, we are so excited to be able to welcome you back to Chadstone – The Fashion Capital, from 9am tomorrow.

While we can’t wait to see you again, there are a few rules you must abide by to keep each other safe. You must keep a safe distance from each other, and in restaurants, cafes and bars, a strict ‘one person per four square metre rule’ applies.

It’s also a requirement that all customers use the Service Victoria app to check-in via QR code at all of our stores.

Thank you for doing your part during this latest lockdown and for helping us make our centre COVIDSafe. Next time you visit, please be sure to:

  • Plan your shopping trip and using the closest entry to the store you are visiting
  • Keep a healthy distance from other customers and team members
  • Wear a mask at all times, if you are over the age of 12, excluding people who have a lawful excuse or exception
  • Maintain good hygiene, including washing your hands or using the hand sanitiser provided

For the latest health advice, and to stay informed, we recommend visiting

And remember, if you feel unwell please get tested and stay home.

CENTRE UPDATE: 20/07/2021

In line with Victorian Government directions, the current COVID restrictions will be extended until 11.59pm Tuesday 27 July.

During this time, selected stores and services will be open for you to shop for the essential products and services you need. To understand which stores are open, please visit

If you do need to visit the centre for essential services, please help us keep yourself and the community safe by wearing a face mask, checking-in where available, and keeping a healthy distance from each other.

If you have any COVID-19 symptoms, however mild, please do not enter the centre and get tested immediately and isolate until you return a negative result.

The safety and well-being of our customers, retailers, team and community continues to be our top priority. We’re taking extra precautions to ensure our centre is clean and hygienic every time you visit, including more frequent cleaning, monitoring face mask wearing, encouraging healthy physical distancing and good hygiene.

We know the situation will continue to evolve and we can assure you we’re staying up to date with the latest government advice and are working hard to adapt and keep our customers, retailers, team and community informed.

For the latest health advice, and to stay informed, we recommend visiting

Please take care of yourselves, your families and friends during this uncertain time.

CENTRE UPDATE: 15/07/2021

Your safety is our priority.

In line with Victorian Government directions, from 11.59pm Thursday 15 July until 11.59pm Tuesday 20 July, selected stores and services will be open for you to shop for the essential products and services you need.

If you do need to visit the centre for essential services, please help us keep yourself and the community safe by wearing a facemask, checking-in where available, and keeping a healthy distance from each other.

If you have any COVID-19 symptoms, however mild, please do not enter the centre and get tested immediately and isolate until you return a negative result.

The safety and well-being of our customers, retailers, team and community continues to be our top priority. We’re taking extra precautions to ensure our centre is clean and hygienic every time you visit, including more frequent cleaning, monitoring face mask wearing, encouraging healthy physical distancing and good hygiene.

We know the situation will continue to evolve and we can assure you we’re staying up to date with the latest government advice and are working hard to adapt and keep our customers, retailers, team and community informed.

For the latest health advice, and to stay informed, we recommend visiting

Please take care of yourselves, your families and friends during this uncertain time.

CENTRE UPDATE: 15/07/2021

We have been notified of a positive case of COVID-19 that visited Chadstone Shopping Centre on Monday 12, July 2021.

It is advised that anyone who visited the following Tier 2 exposure sites on the below date and during the listed time, must get tested immediately and isolate until they return a negative result.

• 12 July Kmart between 5:25pm and 6:00pm

• 12 July Target between 5:25pm and 6:00pm

• 12 July Zing Pop Culture between 5:25pm and 6:00pm

Our priority continues to be the health, safety and wellbeing of our customers, retailers, team members and broader community.

The centre and retailers impacted are following advice from the Department of Health including contact tracing and deep clean and sanitisation, where required.

We have also increased our cleaning roster with additional focus on specific areas we know customers are likely to make contact with and this will continue for the foreseeable future.

For the latest health advice, and to stay informed, we recommend calling the Coronavirus hotline 1800 675 398 or visit

We appreciate the support of the community and look forward to seeing you at Chadstone Shopping Centre.

CENTRE UPDATE: 09/06/2021

Welcome back! From 11.59pm on Thursday 10, June 2021, Greater Melbourne’s COVD-19 hard lockdown will end, although several restrictions will remain in place.

While we can’t wait to see you again, there are a few rules you must abide by to keep each other safe. Customers must keep a safe distance from each other, and in restaurants, cafes and bars, a strict ‘one person per four square metre rule’ applies.

It’s also a requirement that all customers use the Service Victoria app to check-in via QR code at all of our stores.

For the latest health advice, and to stay informed, we recommend visiting And remember, if you feel unwell, please get tested and stay home.

Thank you for your continued support and co-operation.

CENTRE UPDATE: 31/05/2021

We have been notified of an expansion to the list of stores at Chadstone Shopping Centre that were visited by a positive case of COVID-19 on Wednesday 26, May 2021.

The Victorian Government has listed the following areas of Chadstone Shopping Centre as a Tier 2 exposure site and advised anyone who visited the following location (or anywhere else in the centre) on the date and time listed, must get tested immediately and isolate until they return a negative result.

  • 26 May Zimmermann between 12:50pm and 1:30pm
  • 26 May Breadtop between 1:03pm and 1:37pm
  • 26 May QBD Books between 1:07pm and 1:43pm

It is still advised that anyone who visited the Centre on Wednesday 26, May 2021 between 11:30am and 2:00pm, is considered a casual contact and must get tested immediately and self-isolate until a negative result is received.

Our priority continues to be the health, safety and wellbeing of our customers, retailers, team members and broader community.

The centre and retailers impacted are following advice from the Department of Health including contact tracing and deep clean and sanitisation, where required.

We have also increased our cleaning roster with additional focus on specific areas we know customers are likely to make contact with and this will continue for the foreseeable future.

For the latest health advice, and to stay informed, we recommend calling the Coronavirus hotline 1800 675 398 or visit

We appreciate the support of the community and look forward to seeing you at Chadstone Shopping Centre.

CENTRE UPDATE: 30/05/2021

Following yesterday’s update, Chadstone Shopping Centre remains a Tier 2 COVID-19 exposure site however the following retailer has been identified as a Tier 1 exposure site:

  • Yokozuna

Anyone who visited this site on Wednesday 26, May 2021 between 11.30am and 12:00pm must get tested and quarantine for 14 days from the exposure.

Our priority continues to be the health, safety and wellbeing of our customers, retailers, team members and broader community.

The centre and retailers impacted are following advice from the Department of Health including contact tracing and deep clean and sanitisation, where required.

We have also increased our cleaning roster with additional focus on specific areas we know customers are likely to make contact with and this will continue for the foreseeable future.

For the latest health advice, and to stay informed, we recommend calling the Coronavirus hotline 1800 675 398 or visit

We appreciate the support of the community and look forward to seeing you at Chadstone Shopping Centre.

CENTRE UPDATE: 29/05/2021

Our team has been notified of a positive case of COVID-19 that visited Chadstone Shopping Centre on Wednesday 26, May 2021.

The Victorian Government has listed Chadstone Shopping Centre as a Tier 2 exposure site and advised anyone who visited the Centre on Wednesday 26, May 2021 between 11:30am and 2:00pm, is considered a casual contact and must get tested immediately and self-isolate until a negative result is received.

Anybody that visited the following sites at the times listed are also encouraged to contact the Department of Health at 1300 651 160:

  • 26 May Baker’s Delight between 12:40pm and 12:45pm
  • 26 May Optus between 12:00pm and 12:40pm
  • 26 May Woolworths between 12:50pm and 1:30pm
  • 26 May Yokozuna between 11:30am and 12:00pm

Our priority continues to be the health, safety and wellbeing of our customers, retailers, team members and broader community.

The centre and retailers impacted are following advice from the Department of Health including contact tracing and deep clean and sanitisation, where required.

We have also increased our cleaning roster with additional focus on specific areas we know customers are likely to make contact with and this will continue for the foreseeable future.

For the latest health advice, and to stay informed, we recommend calling the Coronavirus hotline 1800 675 398 or visit

We appreciate the support of the community and look forward to seeing you at Chadstone Shopping Centre.

CENTRE UPDATE: 27/05/2021

Your safety is our priority.

In line with Victorian Government directions, from 11:59pm on Thursday 27 May until 11:59pm on Thursday 3 June, selected stores and services will be open for you to shop for the essential products and services you need. To understand which stores are open, please visit

If you do need to visit the centre for essential services, please help us keep yourself and the community safe by wearing a facemask, checking in where available, and keeping a healthy distance from each other.

If you have any COVID-19 symptoms, however mild, please do not enter the centre and get tested immediately and isolate until you return a negative result.

The safety and well-being of our customers, retailers, team and community continues to be our top priority. We’re taking extra precautions to ensure our centre is clean and hygienic every time you visit, including more frequent cleaning, monitoring face mask wearing, encouraging healthy physical distancing and good hygiene.

We know the situation will continue to evolve and we can assure you we’re staying up to date with the latest government advice and are working hard to adapt and keep our customers, retailers, team and community informed.

For the latest health advice, and to stay informed, we recommend visiting

Please take care of yourselves, your families and friends during this uncertain time.

CENTRE UPDATE: 25/05/2021

Your safety is our priority.

In line with the Government directive, from 6:00pm on Tuesday 25 May, face masks are compulsory for everyone over the age of 12 when indoors. This excludes people who cannot wear a mask for a lawful excuse or exception.

Help our community stop the spread of COVID-19 by wearing a face mask and keeping a healthy distance from each other.

And remember, if you have any COVID-19 symptoms, however mild, please do not enter the centre and get tested immediately.

The safety and well-being of our customers, retailers, team and community continues to be our top priority. We’re taking extra precautions to ensure our centre is clean and hygienic every time you visit, including more frequent cleaning, monitoring face mask wearing, encouraging healthy physical distancing and good hygiene.

We know the situation will continue to evolve and we can assure you we’re staying up to date with the latest government advice and are working hard to adapt and keep our customers, retailers, team and community informed.

We thank you for your support throughout this challenging time. Please continue to check our website or sign up to our mailing list for regular updates.

For the latest health advice, and to stay informed, we recommend visiting

Please take care of yourselves, your families and friends during this uncertain time.

CENTRE UPDATE: 12/02/2021

Your safety is our priority.

In line with Government directions, from 11.59pm Friday 12 February until 11.59pm Wednesday 17 February, selected stores and services will be open for you to shop for the essential products and services you need.


Help our community stop the spread of COVID-19 by wearing a facemask and keeping a healthy distance from each other.

And remember, if you have any COVID-19 symptoms, however mild, please do not enter the centre and get tested immediately.

The safety and well-being of our customers, retailers, team and community continues to be our top priority. We’re taking extra precautions to ensure our centre is clean and hygienic every time you visit, including more frequent cleaning, monitoring face mask wearing, encouraging healthy physical distancing and good hygiene.

We know the situation will continue to evolve and we can assure you we’re staying up to date with the latest government advice and are working hard to adapt and keep our customers, retailers, team and community informed.

We thank you for your support throughout this challenging time. Please continue to check our website or sign up to our mailing list for regular updates.

To understand which stores are approved essential stores and will remain open, please visit our store listing.

For the latest health advice, and to stay informed, we recommend visiting

Please take care of yourselves, your families and friends during this uncertain time.


CENTRE UPDATE: 06/01/2021

We were informed this morning, Wednesday 6 January, that the Victorian Government would today list Chadstone as a potential COVID-19 acquisition site after a customer who visited us 11 days ago recently tested positive for COVID-19.

The Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) has confirmed the customer was not infectious when he visited Chadstone 11 days ago.

We’ve been informed the customer visited on Boxing Day between 6am and 2pm. The customer visited the following stores and food outlets:

  • Foot Locker
  • Jay Jays
  • Culture Kings
  • Huffer
  • Myer
  • JD Sports
  • H&M
  • Uniqlo
  • Superdry
  • Dumplings Plus (lower ground food court)
  • Zara Men’s

The DHHS has recommended anyone who visited the above stores between 6am and 2pm on Boxing Day undergo a COVID-19 test today.

Our priority continues to be the health, safety and wellbeing of our customers, retailers, team members and broader community. We’re working closely with each of the impacted retailers, following government advice and supporting our teams to ensure everyone who was on-site on Boxing Day is tested.

At Chadstone we have an increased cleaning roster in place, which included 140 cleaners on Boxing Day, with additional focus on specific areas including; balustrades, retailer door handles, vertical transport, toilets, sinks, change tables and parents’ rooms, customer entry and touch points, information screens, as well as communal furniture throughout the centre. This will continue for the foreseeable future.

To stay informed, we recommend visiting the Department of Health and Human Services website, or by calling 1800 675 398.

CENTRE UPDATE: 04/01/2021

Our team has been notified a person who worked at Boost Juice (outside Bonds) has returned a positive test for COVID-19. The team member last worked on-site on Tuesday 29 December between 6pm – 11pm.

We are pleased to confirm that the Department of Health and Human Services do not consider Chadstone a COVID-19 exposure site.

The Department of Health and Human Services have also confirmed that the team member was not infectious at any stage while working at Chadstone.

Boost Juice has undergone a deep clean and sanitisation, in accordance with government recommendations and we’ve also completed a deep clean of our centre, as an additional precaution.

To stay informed, we recommend visiting the or by calling 1800 675 398.

CENTRE UPDATE: 26/10/2020

We can’t wait to welcome you back with your favourite stores, hairdressing and beauty services, cafes and restaurants reopening their doors from Wednesday 28, October 2020. Our team has been working hard to get our centre ready with new COVID-19 safety plans in place as your safety remains our top priority.

To support a safe environment, shopping may look a little different as we’ve implemented additional measures to help with crowd management, shop front and virtual queuing and increased cleaning and sanitisation. We want to help you, so before you visit please check out our tips and tricks below on how to shop safely and plan your trip.

Across our centre we have a number of safety initiatives in place including:

  • Hand sanitiser at all entrances
  • Increased sanitisation and cleaning of all customer touch points and high traffic areas
  • Physical and digital signage and PA announcements reminding customers to keep a safe distance apart
  • Floor decals and physical distancing reference points in key areas
  • Traffic and density management in our carparks and our malls
  • Additional customer service staff to assist with managing social distancing
  • Virtual queuing system to support our stores manage customer capacity limits
  • Designated entry and exit points
  • Queuing areas in high traffic locations and entrances
  • Additional outdoor dining options

When you visit us please ensure you:

  • Plan your shopping trip and use the closest entry to the store you are visiting
  • Shop early and check our website for updates
  • Keep a healthy 1.5 metres distance from other customers and team members
  • Ensure you wear a well fitted face mask
  • Maintain good hygiene including washing your hands or using the hand sanitiser provided
  • Limit the number of people you shop with
  • Book time to shop using the store’s queuing systems

And remember, to respect your fellow shopper and if you feel unwell, please stay home.

We are also proud to announce our partnership with St John Ambulance, who supports the safety initiatives we’ve developed and implemented across our centre. We will continue to monitor and act upon the advice of the Victorian Government and you can stay up to date by visiting:

Thank you for your continued support and co-operation.

CENTRE UPDATE: 16/10/2020

Our team has been notified that two customers who visited Chadstone between 25 September and 28 September 2020 have returned positive tests for COVID-19.

The Department of Health and Human Services is working to ensure all close contacts of the two customers are self-isolating while awaiting test results. For the latest case information and alerts, you can visit

We’re continuing to support the teams and businesses who’ve been directly impacted and working to ensure everyone is safe when they’re visiting the centre.

The DHHS continues to advise that good hygiene is critical for slowing the spread of COVID-19, especially after using the bathroom. We have sanitiser located throughout the centre, including at the entry/exit to amenities, and we encourage everyone to make use of the sanitiser regularly to help protect themselves and others and ensure they are wearing a face masks.

We understand the ongoing concern around these recent cases and we will continue to share the latest information as appropriate.

CENTRE UPDATE: 09/10/2020

As reported yesterday, our team was notified that another retail team member has returned a positive test for COVID-19. The person last worked at Ferguson Plarre on Thursday 8 October (yesterday) and is isolating, in line with the advice of authorities. There have been no further cases since yesterday’s update.

The Department of Health and Human Services is working with the team at Ferguson Plarre to arrange a deep clean and sanitisation of the store. For the latest case information and alerts, you can visit

We’re continuing to support each of the teams and businesses who’ve been directly impacted and are continuing with our rigorous cleaning schedule, including deep cleans and sanitisation as required.

The DHHS team remains on-site for walk-in, priority testing, which is available for retailers only. The DHHS recommends a test for anyone who:

· Worked at or visited Chadstone between 23 September and 8 October

· Is concerned about potential exposure to positive cases of COVID-19 at Chadstone

· Has already returned a negative test but has since developed symptoms

The drive-thru testing site will continue to operate for retailers, customers and the broader community until Sunday, and you can keep up to date with the drive-thru testing unit via

We will continue to share the latest information as appropriate.

CENTRE UPDATE: 08/10/2020

Our team has been notified that another retail team member has returned a positive test for COVID-19. The person last worked at Ferguson Plarre on Thursday 8 October (yesterday) and is following the advice of authorities.

The Department of Health and Human Services is working with the team at Ferguson Plarre to ensure all close contacts of the person are self-isolating while awaiting test results. For the latest case information and alerts, you can visit

We’re continuing to support the teams and businesses who’ve been directly impacted and have arranged for deep clean and sanitisation overnight. We’re continuing to work alongside the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) to ensure everyone is safe when they’re visiting the centre, including each of your teams.

To help ensure the safety of everyone coming to work at Chadstone, as we’ve previously shared, the DHHS team will remain on-site for walk-in testing, for retailers only. It’s recommended anyone who worked at or visited Chadstone between 23 September and 8 October be tested as a precaution. The drive-thru testing site will continue to operate for retailers, customers and the broader community until further notice, and you can keep up to date with the drive-thru testing unit via

The DHHS continues to advise that good hygiene is critical for slowing the spread of COVID-19, especially after using the bathroom. We have sanitiser located throughout the centre, including at the entry/exit to amenities, and we encourage everyone to make use of the sanitiser regularly to help protect themselves and others and ensure they are wearing a face masks.

We understand the ongoing concern around these recent cases, especially for each of our teams coming to work at Chadstone. We will continue to share the latest information as appropriate.

CENTRE UPDATE: 07/10/2020

The Department of Health and Human Services has confirmed there are no additional cases related to our centre as part of today’s COVID-19 update. For the latest case information and alerts, you can visit

We’re continuing to support the teams and businesses who’ve been directly impacted, and our team is working alongside the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) and other key agencies, to ensure everyone is safe when they’re visiting the centre.

It’s still recommended anyone who worked at or visited Chadstone between 23 September and 2 October 2020 be tested as a precaution. The drive-thru testing site will continue to operate for retailers, customers and the broader community until Sunday 11 October, and you can keep up to date with the drive-thru testing unit via

We will continue to share the latest information as appropriate.

CENTRE UPDATE: 06/10/2020

There has been another update from the Victorian Government regarding the recent cases of COVID-19 linked to our centre, and we wanted to share the latest information provided to our team.

Our team has been notified that another retail team member has returned a positive test for COVID-19. The person last worked at Diesel on Wednesday 30, September 2020 and is following the advice of authorities, self-isolating and seeking medical treatment, where required. For the latest case information and alerts, you can visit

We’re continuing to support the teams and businesses who’ve been directly impacted as we know this is a difficult event for everyone to navigate. Our team is working around the clock, alongside the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) and several other key Victorian agencies, to ensure everyone is safe when they’re visiting the centre.

It’s recommended anyone who worked at or visited Chadstone between Wednesday 23, September and Friday 2, October 2020 be tested as a precaution. The drive-thru testing site will continue to operate for retailers, customers and the broader community until further notice, and you can keep up to date with the drive-thru testing unit via

We will continue to share the latest information as appropriate.

CENTRE UPDATE: 05/10/2020

We wanted to provide you with an update on the COVID-19 situation which has impacted several people who have worked at or visited Chadstone.

Unfortunately, as confirmed by DHHS, the first Chadstone case was a result of someone who had failed to self-isolate after family members were diagnosed with COVID-19. This person was a third-party contractor engaged by a retailer - they were not employed by Chadstone.

Our team is working closely with the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS), supporting the department as it continues contact tracing and ensuring we have all relevant information to coordinate our response effectively.

Our priority is to ensure Chadstone is safe for everyone who is coming to our centre and relying on the service our centre provides. We have been rigorous in our commitment to cleaning, hygiene and sanitising – which has been acknowledged by the Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews and our Deputy Chief Health Officer.

We understand the ongoing concern around these recent cases and we will continue to share the latest information when appropriate.

For more information, please visit

CENTRE UPDATE: 30/09/2020

Our team has been notified that several people who were present at Chadstone – The Fashion Capital between Wednesday 23, September and Monday 28, September 2020 have returned positive tests for COVID-19.

We’re making contact with all our retailers as a precautionary measure and have conducted a deep clean and sanitisation throughout the centre, focussing on high traffic touch points as well as areas which the DHHS has identified as having been visited. The impacted retailers have also undertaken deep cleaning and sanitisation in their premises. This is in addition to the thorough cleaning schedule we already have in place.

If you have visited Chadstone between Wednesday 23, September and Monday 28, September 2020 and are experiencing COVID-19 symptoms, please get tested. Find your closest testing station at

We will continue to monitor and act upon the advice of the DHHS and will provide our retailers and customers with additional updates when appropriate.



Friday 29 October
10am - 12am (non-essential retail open from 6pm)

Melbourne Cup Day - Tuesday 2 November
10am - 6pm

Standard opening hours return from Saturday 30 October 2021:

Monday to Wednesday: 9am - 5:30pm
Thursday to Saturday: 9am - 9pm
Sunday: 10am - 7pm

Please check our opening hours prior to your visit for the most up to date hours. We recommend contacting individual stores to confirm they’re open prior to your arrival as some different operating hours.


We are ensuring our employees comply with guidelines and regulations set by the State Government and we expect the same of our retailers and customers.

We continue to follow government guidelines to allow our retailers to reopen and welcome customers back to our centre.

You can stay up to date by visiting:


Please visit or call the COVID-19 hotline 1800 675 398 for latest details on exposure sites.

Please do not enter the centre if you have recently been to any exposure sites, or currently waiting for test results.


For individual store opening hours, you can search for retailers by name or category at Please note some retailers have different operating hours. We recommend contacting individual stores to confirm they’re open prior to your arrival.


We’re taking extra precautions to ensure our centres are clean and hygienic, including more thorough cleaning to high traffic and high touch areas.

We’re also asking everyone who visits us to practice healthy physical distancing and good hygiene.


In addition to our standard practices, we’ve introduced the following precautionary measures to ensure you can visit us with confidence:

  • Increased cleaning schedules of high traffic areas, high contact surface points, including amenities, play areas, parents’ rooms, handles and rails
  • Supply of hand sanitisers in convenient locations including entrances and exits
  • We’re encouraging physical distancing (1.5 metres) so please keep a healthy distance from one another while you’re visiting our centre.
  • We’re actively communicating and promoting the practice of good hygiene

We are taking additional precautionary measures and continuing to monitor government advice and announcements about recent cases in Melbourne.

  • Where available, use our traffic counters and/or digital heat mapping to identify busy zones to help us to actively manage these areas before reaching customer density thresholds
  • Automated alerts on occupancy, to actively monitor how many customers are in the centre at any time
  • Automated, regular public announcements centre-wide, communicating distancing expectations
  • Additional team members in-centre during peak periods, offering sanitiser and reminding customers of distancing guidelines
  • Security officers, in high visibility vests, are monitoring our centres, together with supporting local police to enforce social distancing requirements as appropriate
  • Zero tolerance on anti-social or disrespectful behaviour

These are preventative measures that each of us can take to help keep our community safe.


Hand sanitiser we are using is supplied by Central Cleaning Supplies, and is a liquid hand sanitiser which is recommended for repeated use, for hands and other services that need disinfecting.

You can read more about the product here:


We’ve introduced distancing measures based on government recommendations, to ensure the wellbeing of everyone who visits and works at our centre, and we’re asking everyone in our centres to practice good hygiene.

To help minimise close contact, we’re asking everyone to follow the floor navigation throughout our centre, maintain a 1.5 metre distance from others in the centre and, unless they are visiting with their household or family, to only visit on their own or in a group of two.

  • Where available, use our traffic counters and/or digital heat mapping to identify busy zones to help us to actively manage these areas before reaching customer density thresholds
  • Automated alerts on occupancy, to actively monitor how many customers are in the centre at any time
  • Automated, regular public announcements centre-wide, communicating distancing expectations
  • Follow the Victorian Government directive on one person per 2 square meters density limits at hospitality and entertainment venues (including food courts but excluding cinemas)

We want you to know our team is always working to ensure the safety and wellbeing of our customers, retailers, team and the broader community, especially during these challenging times.

We have several measures in place to remind people to keep a safe distance from others, including

  • Signage in-centre and for retailers’ use
  • Security officers, in high visibility vests, are monitoring our centres, together with supporting local police to enforce social distancing requirements as appropriate
  • Zero tolerance on anti-social or disrespectful behaviour

We know everyone has a responsibility to help slow the spread of Coronavirus and we ask our community to do the right thing and use a commonsense approach.


We understand concerns about the spread of COVID-19 and are conscious of the spread of rumours and misinformation which is not helpful during these times of uncertainty.

The Federal Health Department has outlined how COVID-19 can spread, which does not include by air conditioning, that information is available here:


We will endeavour to update our store listings on this website with amended trading hours, and any store closures, in a timely manner so you can stay informed.

We will continue to keep you updated on a regular basis about how we are responding to COVID-19 through our social channels, email and website.

Please sign up to our database or follow us on social media for regular updates.


Our Parcel Concierge service is open. For more information, please visit


Our Valet Parking service is open. For more information, please visit


Our Hand Free Shopping service is open. For more information, please visit


Our Personal Styling service is open. For more information, please visit


Our Butler service is open. For more information, please visit


Chadstone’s Visitor Lounge is temporarily closed until further notice.

We apologise for any inconvenience and thank you for your support and understanding.


Chadstone’s shuttle bus service is temporarily suspended until further notice.

We apologise for any inconvenience and thank you for your support and understanding.

While visiting the centre, please help us keep our community safe by following the below good hygiene practices:

  • Wash hands regularly, including after touching common surfaces and after coughing or sneezing
  • If you happen to cough or sneeze, cover your mouth and nose with a tissue, then dispose of it, or if you do not have a tissue, cover your mouth and nose with your upper sleeve
  • Remember to practice social distancing (at least 1.5m away from any other customer), and adhere to the ‘one person per 4 square metre rule’ at cafes and restaurants
  • Be sure to use our hand sanitiser located at entrances both on arrival and departure

We want to assure our customers and communities that we are monitoring and acting on current and future government and relevant health authority’s advice. For additional information please visit: